Commercial accuracy for every docket, every day.

Smart Dockets use pre-defined rule sets to analyse docket times and various input fields, generating line items on your dockets that match with the commercial elements of your contract — across labour, plant, or even complex materials delivery operations. This feature saves administrators hours in interpreting dockets against the contract.

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Time allocation rules

At the heart of the Smart Dockets feature is a versatile time allocation system that understands the complexity of labour hire and construction time allocation. It assigns rate types (e.g. standard, time and a half, double) according to the specific hours worked. When your team start early or finish late, or work outside of standard rate times, it automatically calculates based on contractually agreed rates for those times. There is no combination that our ruleset can't handle. All your field workers need to log is their start time, finish time, and break time. Docketbook will automate the rest.

For your Customers

The daily dockets that are approved include comprehensive interpretations against the contract, ensuring the accuracy of docket costs when the docket is presented for approval. This leads to improved decision-making on the project and facilitates smoother payment processes at the end of the month.

Conditional rules

Conditional rules leverage the adaptability of our docket templates to gather extra information necessary for interpreting your dockets. Whether it's the straightforward addition of a meal allowance for a specific shift duration, or the assignment of a LAFHA or Travel Allowance, these rules broaden the scope of commercial interpretation, eliminating the need for manual reconciliations and additions. When applied to plant dockets, a checkbox might indicate the use of a slew restrictor, bucket, or GPS. Conditional rules literally have thousands of construction-specific applications.

For your Customers

Capturing all of the costs associated with the daily dockets means that your customer can fully understand the implications of their site decisions as they happen. It also means dockets will reconcile easier at end-of-month.

Different rules for different jobs

Smart Docket rule sets can be linked to Orders and Docket Templates, giving you ultimate job-by-job flexibility. Create  rules that capture the specific details of each contract that integrate smoothly into the docket creation process. Smart Dockets simplifies tasks for your field workers while ensuring that contractual entitlements are maximised, no matter what job your team is undertaking.

For your Customers

The Smart Docket rule sets applied to the order are accessible to your customers, allowing them to verify the accuracy of the docket presented to them. Your customers approve the docket data, as well as its interpretation against the contract, and can effortlessly review the rules. This ensures there are no disputes when it comes to invoicing.

See Orders in action

Watch how easy Orders within Docketbook can be

Accurate daily labour cost

The difficulty in managing daily expenses from your labour teams arises because labour hire companies apply interpretation rules on a weekly basis instead of daily. This leads to either manual processes to interpret daily timesheets or the use of crew rates to estimate costs. With Smart Dockets, you will receive accurate interpreted costs with every docket submitted and know that these costs will be reflected in the invoices at end of month.

For your Suppliers

By approving both the times and the costs associated with each docket, your supplier can be confident that the associated invoices will be paid on time without dispute - streamlining the process of labour hire invoicing for both parties.

Internal labour cost management

Built to meet the complex needs of external labour hire companies, the power of Smart Dockets can be also harnessed by your internal teams. Simply set up the rulesets within your organisation and apply them to internal orders or docket templates and the internal daily costs will be accurately calculated.

For your Suppliers

For internal labour you are both the supplier and the customer, so it's a win-win. Reap the benefits of Smart Dockets by keeping timesheets simple for your field workers and your costs accurate for the project teams.

Interpretation of uploaded data

The same powerful Smart Docket rule sets that are used in the app, apply equally well to data uploaded from spreadsheets. Simply upload a data set that contains docket number, date, labour classification and start/finish/break times and watch the transformation. Accurate, interpreted costs from simple uploaded timesheet data. The rule set used is defined by the purchase order in the uploaded data.

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Speak to our product experts about your challenges, and see how we can help.

Smart Dockets Make Every Stage Better

Smart Dockets deliver benefits across the entire Purchase to Pay value chain, from Order, through to Invoice.


Smart Docket rules are associated with Orders to ensure everyone is on the same page before the work starts.

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Keeping it simple for the field workers whilst providing rich, accurate costing information to supervisors and engineers.

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Create reconciled invoices to ensure you get paid faster

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