Send digital purchase orders

Connect and share your orders with your suppliers and customers. Keep your dockets organised, eliminate errors, and link to your accounting system for seamless integration

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Purchase diagram

Start every job with a digital purchase order

Orders let you kick off the process with the structure you need to create high-quality, low-error dockets. Good data to start, streamlines processes down the track, from docket to invoice.

Share digital purchase orders with customers

Orders don’t just keep your team organised. If your customers are on Docketbook, sharing the order provides a shared view of the chargeable items, rates and quantities, so everyone is on the same page.

Orders set dockets up for success

Do things your way. Docketbook works for you. Unlike other systems, our industry and job-specific templates mean that you can capture specific docket data for certain clients, and you can even pre-fill dockets with known fields before they start.

Integrate Docketbook with existing PO systems

Suppose you already use a job management system. In that case, Docketbook takes your productivity to the next level, seamlessly integrating with existing services to auto-create orders in Docketbook to empower your field teams and service your customers.

See Orders in action

Watch how easy Orders with in Docketbook can be

Digital purchase orders

Orders contain the vital information you need, such as Customer, Supplier, dates, reference numbers, line items, quantities and rates. They provide structure and organisation for your dockets and aid with reporting and invoice creation.
Orders can be created by your customers and sent to you, or you can create orders and send them to them, creating an agreed, shared view of what will be delivered - items, quantities and rates.

For your Customers

By sending orders to your customer on Docketbook, the dockets you send will be grouped by orders for easy reporting and invoice reconciliation. Your customers can streamline the creation of orders by integrating directly with their ERP, so your dockets can flow directly into their systems.

Purchase order diagram
Purchase jobs diagram

Allocate jobs to orders

Jobs take an order and provide your fieldworkers or subcontractors with the critical information needed to get the job done. With Purchase Order numbers, Line items, and key docket fields pre-filled Docketbook helps ensure the requirements of the PO or Contract are satisfied.
Allocate your jobs to your team and your subcontractors to tell them what’s required, when and where.

For your Customers

Although your customers don’t see jobs directly, they have the peace of mind of knowing that work is accepted and people will be onsite when needed. Docketbook even enables you to share specific requirements such as site start times and contact details to the teams via the job allocation function.

Receive digital dockets matched to orders

Every docket created is linked directly to the order it is to complete.  Quantities delivered on dockets are added up in the completed quantities on the order. They are visible to both customers and suppliers, so if you’re getting close to the order limit, it’s easy to see.
Docket templates are set at order level, so you can make sure you’re collecting the right information for each client or type of work.

For your Customers

Every docket that arrives includes PO and Customer Reference Numbers so they are easier to match to orders, whether your customer is on Docketbook or not.

Purchase docket diagram

Create orders directly from your ERP

Docketbook Orders and line items can be created and sent to your suppliers directly from your ERP through our powerful integration service. Strengthen your procurement processes by linking the flow of information to your suppliers right at the start of the job.

Agreed items, rates and quantities - from the start

Shared orders contain PO numbers, line items, ordered quantities and agreed rates, providing clear and vital information to get the job done. Orders can be accepted by your customers, eliminating the errors that create problems further along the purchase-to-pay value chain.

Receive dockets linked to orders

No more messy conversion of documents plagued by typos and errors. Docketbook links order line references to your ERP purchase orders so that connected dockets arrive ready to integrate with your systems seamlessly.

One central docket dashboard

A place for everything and everything in its place makes Docketbook truly powerful. No more missing paperwork, no more smudged and illegible printouts. Docketbook manages orders by providing a structure for inbound dockets, keeping them organised for your project teams to stay on top of.

See Orders in action

Watch how easy Orders within Docketbook can be


Orders contain customer, supplier, dates, reference numbers, line items, quantities and rates. By integrating with your ERP, these reference numbers provide a link back to the original Purchase Order and enable the integration of dockets as they arrive, saving time, minimising errors and increasing productivity.
Orders can be created by your customers and sent to you, or you can create orders and send them to your customers, creating an agreed, shared view of what will be delivered - items, quantities and rates.

For your Suppliers

By sending orders to your supply chain, you provide the structure and rules for their dockets to support your receipting process.  They receive line items, quantities and rates as a single source of truth.  They accept the order, link their resources and are ready to go.

Purchase order diagram
Purchase jobs diagram


Although you won’t work directly with Jobs, your suppliers can use them to allocate work for their teams.  This ensures your PO details and requirements are communicated to the people doing work, whether they work directly for your supplier, or a subcontractor.

For your Suppliers

Your suppliers don’t have to use Jobs, but if they do it’s a handy way for them to allocate their team to your projects.


Dockets created from orders and jobs are always linked to the Order.  Quantities delivered on dockets are added up in the completed quantities on the order and are visible to both customers and suppliers, so if you’re getting close to the order limit it’s easy to see.
Docket templates are set at order level, so you can make sure that your suppliers are collecting the right information for your project.

For your Suppliers

Easy to create and minimise errors by pre-filling much of the information on a docket from an order. Your suppliers retain access to all of the dockets they create and can use Docketbook just as effectively on your projects as the next contractor that they work for.

Purchase docket diagram

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More proof-of-work features

Orders are just part of the picture. Explore how Docketbook supports the whole value chain by clicking an icon below.


Turn your dockets into trusted cloud-based transactions

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Create reconciled invoices to ensure you get paid faster

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Life is a network - get connected

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